God is a God of Order
We believe the Bible allows for the autonomy of each local church, and that the leadership structure for the local church is that of elder-led congregationalism. The entire church body has the final authority under God’s Word in matters of doctrine and discipline, yet the congregation practices that authority under the willing submission to elder leadership. The Bible defines deacons as servants in the church.
Our Elders
The Bible uses the terms elders, pastors, and overseers synonymously. The eldership of a church is charged with caring for the spiritual needs of the church body. Elders, therefore, are the primary teachers in the church and are charged with guarding the doctrine of the church. They are to be men that are devoted to prayer, to the ministry of God's Word, and to providing servant-leadership and shepherding-oversight to the congregation. The Bible calls for a plurality of elders and the Biblical qualifications for elders are laid out in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.

Peter Salas
Peter and his wife Andrea are parents to two sons, Jarod and Jonah, and have been members at Harbins since 2010. He is deeply dedicated to evangelism and outreach, routinely engaging with the culture by sharing the gospel through open-air preaching and leads our Abortion Ministry, which seeks to save the lives of preborn babies and the souls of men and women that do not yet know Christ through the power of the gospel. Peter was called to full-time ministry at Harbins in 2024.

Tim Baker
Tim has been married to his wife Dona since 1993. They have two grown daughters, Tristen and Rebecca. He greatly enjoys preaching the Word on the Lord’s Day, open-air evangelism, and tickling the occasional ivory as he leads God’s people in worship.

Paul Maksimenko
Paul and his wife Angela have five sons - Mark, Matthew, Caleb, Noah, and Paul - and four daughters - Ayva, Eliana, Layla, and Scarlet. He is committed to the teaching of God's Word and encouraging others to live out marriage and family life in a way that brings glory to the Lord.

Jason Sims
Jason and his wife Hannah married in 2008 and have three children, Parker, Naomi, and Benjamin. Jason has a passion for the local church, Biblical discipleship, and pointing people to the grace of God made known in Christ through His Word.
Our Deacons
Deacons are servant-leaders in the church. The Bible charges deacons with caring for the physical and material needs of the church body. The qualifications for deacons are outlined in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

Taylor Prather

Richard Vazemiller

Anthony Cedeno