"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

Colossians 3:16

Corporate Worship Service

We gather for worship at 10:45 a.m.

At Harbins, we worship together as families. We offer a nursing room for mom's who need it, as well as a "training room" that simulates our sanctuary. The training room provides a few chairs as well as a live stream of the service and can be used if their toddler is having trouble sitting in the sanctuary. Once the parent feels the child is ready to return, we encourage them to do so in order to get them used to sitting through the service with other people.

We believe children learn best when they worship, and we aim to keep them engaged by providing a "kid's notes" section of the bulletin. We do not, however, "water down" our preaching, which is expositional preaching from God's Word.

Order of Service

We seek to honor God through the ordering of our corporate worship service.


We believe that the main instrument on a Sunday morning should be the congregational voice as we come together to sing "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs" (Colossians 3:16). Our music ranges from old hymns to new songs, with an emphasis on rich, biblical theology that encourages everyone to sing loudly to the glory of God.


One of our church leaders leads us in a pastoral prayer where we approach our Heavenly Father and bring our cares and concerns before Him. We pray for needs locally and globally, acknowledging our complete dependence on God.

Corporate Reading

We worship through the corporate & responsive reading of passages of Scripture as well as historic statements of faith, such as the Apostles’ Creed, and corporate confessions of sin.


At Harbins, we are committed to expositional preaching. Every Sunday, we gather to hear what God has to say to us in his Word by faithfully preaching verse by verse through a passage of Scripture. We seek to teach God’s Word to God's people by explaining and applying the Scriptures to contemporary life.  Our sermons are typically between 45 to 50 minutes long.

The Lord's Supper

On the third Sunday of each month, after the sermon, we partake of the Lord’s Supper. This is a time of reflection, self-examination, and communion with Christ as we remember His body that was broken and His blood that was spilled for us. All those who have been born again by the effectual call of God are welcome to come to the Lord’s table for this "family meal."


We conclude our time of corporate worship by singing a closing song and receiving a benediction from one of our church leaders.


After every service, we enjoy spending time with one another, speaking to and encouraging one another. Additionally, at the end of each month, we have a Fellowship Meal after the service. The Bible speaks often of believers eating together – and a meal is a great means of facilitating genuine fellowship. Our families bring food for their family and enough to share with others.